Polar Bears!

The Polar bear, also known as the Ursus Martimus meaning Maritime bear, travels long distances through the Arctic region. It is both the largest and strongest land animal in the North pole. The Polar bear is a Octurnal mammal, meaning its active during the night. Did you know Polar bears cover there nose because it shows where they are.

The Polar Bear

What does the Polar bear look like?

This fluffy mammal is very white on the outside, but in reality the skin is actually black. The Polar bear is 1.6 meters tall (5.3 feet tall) and 2.2 to 2.5 meters in length, they also weigh a astounding 410 to 720 kg (900 to 1600 pounds)! The Polar bear has transparent fur to blend in with the background, short, dull ears, a small head, extended neck, fur covers paws to help spread its weight on the ice, string sharp claws for hunting and a brusque tail.

What does the Polar bear eat?

The Polar bear is a carnivore, meaning they eat meat and not plants, vegetables and fruits. It eats mainly Ringed seals but also eats the Bearded seals and other Pinnipeds. Sadly for the seals, Polar bears steal young seals by digging until they reach the winter burrow where seals give birth. This species uses uses its front limbs to swim. Did you know the Polar bear is the only 4 limbed species to use its front limbs to swim in the Arctic? This is also a behavioural adaptation. it uses its front limbs to swim for catching prey, it also uses its sharp claws to kill and grip onto its prey.


Brusque - another word for small

Carnivore - a meat eater

Octurnal - active at night

Transparent - Blends in with its surroundings

Temporary - it is not there forever

Vulnerable - In risk




Polar bears