On Friday the 18th of May the night zoo keeper came to our school to give a work shop to year 5.They came because Jessica from year 5 Drew was showcased for her 100 word challenge The king of the jungle. On that day we:

Were asked to think of an animal ,it could be animals combined or a normal animal, the animal had to have a habitat, name, things it liked and disliked and a reason why it was special.Then we drew our animal lightly with a pencil on a large sheet of paper.After that we got to paint our picture following the pencil lines.

Whilst we let our paintings dry we where let in to the ICT room where we logged on to the night zoo keeper website and created our own zoo with all our animals in and filled in all the data about our animal.

Overall I would give the session a 10/10 because you got to use creative skills which you don't get to use very often.