Week 6 Profit and loss

This week in microsociety, it was my first time trading because I was ill last week and missed it all. It was so much fun!

This week was the general election, therefore we watched a short video all about it. I learnt that you can vote from 7 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock at night. People count the votes all through the night and you will only know who the winner is in the morning.

Trading was my favourite time of the whole week. Mine and kajeeva's shop sold alot. Kajeeva had made some ninga stars that were very popular. I went to watch a comedy show that was very funny. It was about a sausage who was scared of almost everything!

When we did trading for a second time, it didn't all go to plan. We had run out of ninga stars and kajeeva was struggling to make more very quickly. We didn't have any coloured paper so she was having to colour them in and that was taking forever. We didn't manage to sell very much and didn't earn very much money but we still had fun.

By Evie Orsmond