Title Insideout

Characters: Riley, Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, Anger, Mum, Dad

Settings: Pizza Shop, New School, New House, Ice Rink, Road

Appearance: Anger is red and gets angry when he gets annoyed, sometimes fire come out of his head when he gets really angry.

Joy is yellow and really happy and she loves doing fun stuff.

Sadness is blue and cries a lot she is really sad and does not listen to Joy.

Fear is purple and is really scared which is not safe. He looks at over Riley's dreams.

Disgust is green and she hates green vegetables. When she sees green vegetables she presses the button and Riley wont eat it.

Riley is a human girl and she loves playing hockey with her teammates. She is sad because she moves to a new home and new school and didn't make any friends.

I give this book 5/5

Someone who would like this book will think that there's little creatures in their heads and controls their heads.

I like about this book is that it is funny and hilarious because Bin-Bong didn't look at the sign proply because he spelled it wrong.

by Tiannah cameron