What was the blitz ?

The blitz was heavy and frequent bombing attacks , and the attacks would happen on the night.The Luftwaffe(German bombers) attacked british cites and other parts of the United Kingdom.

Did you know

- one third of London was bombed

- Blitz is a shortened form of the word Blitzkrieg - lightning war

-Nearly 2000 people died

-2,000,000 houses in total were destroyed and 60% of them were in London

When did it start

The bombing started on the 7th september 1940.Most of the air raids were on the night,and the Luftwaffe was concentrating on London.The blitz ended on may 1941.

Who started the blitz ?

Adolf Hitler started the Blitz,and tried to take over our major cities by attacking us.

How the Blitz started

The Blitz started by the Germans.The Germans started the Blitz because they surprised attacked us on the night.

Why did the Blitz start?

The Germans wanted to avenge Berlin;they wanted to take over.When they were bombing Britain they tried to frighten us.after a while,the Germans wanted us to give,so that they could rule are country.

Where the Blitz happened

The Blitz happened in Brtains major cities.Swansea,Cardiff,Bristol,Southampton,Plymouth,Coventry,Liverpool and Birmingham.

How you could be safe

To be safe you could go in a Aderson shelter which are outside.

You could also go in a Morrison shelter which is inside your house and is very small.

anderson shelter

Morrison shelter

There was a public shelter which you would go in if you were out and about and the air

raids went off.Chidren would be evacuated,and on the night when the

people who are left in the town would have to turn off all the nights.

What type of bombs were dropped

-high explosives

-Incendiary Bombs also termed FireBombs

-Oil Bombs

German Planes