More Remote Blogging

Well, unsure if the venue for week two of my hols has wireless, I thought I'd have another go whilst access to the web was available. As well as using this as a remote blogger I think it'd be handy as a tool for taking pics of pupils' work and parking them on a 'Well Done' blog.

Although I'm using J2E, J2Webby is based on Wordpress, so can be added to using other products, such as Microsoft LiveWriter, so schools who don' have J2E could still use this as a publishing tool..... but as you know, I'm a J2e fan, so that's my preferred option. I might try adding using something other than J2E at some point just to prove it can be done, but not today.

Anyway, the only two things left for me to try and do are add video and audio, if indeed it can be done in the J2E app at the moment. I'll have a go sometime. Right now it's time to have a coffee and admire the view.