
I like dog's because you can cuddle4 them and go on walks. You can also watch tv with them and feed them treats and you can sleep in bed with them I think dogs are really fun because they can fetch a ball and lick you and they are really furry and cuddly.

I also like dogs because you can throw a Frisbee and they will catch it and they are so cute when they fall asleep this is why is like dogs.

Dogs are fun because you can feed them treats and they eat chicken and other stuff their teeth type are canines molars pre -molars and incisors but they beg for food don't be a fool

turtles are really cute exceptionally baby's I like turtles because they don't eat live animals they eat plants under the sea and non animals like cats dogs or fish these animals are really cool and that is why I like them turtles don't deserve to pass away they should live for ever and get to stay with there mums and dad and live happily ever after.