How to make a Quick Coffee Cake that was really popular inn World War II during the rationing period:

I found this recipe on the internet on 10 sweet treats from the past that require little or no sugar.


2 cups of sifted flour

2tsps of baking powder

2tbsps of sugar

1/2tsp of salt

4tbsps of butter

1/2 a cup of milk

1 cup of chopped up raisins

and 1tsp of cinammon.

Nuts can also be added if you want but they are not necessary.

When we made our quick coffee cake, we used these ingredients which I think made the cake kind of sweet because I thought that you could really taste the sugar on the top. This cake was very thick and gunky and stuck to everything and Paul thought that it would make good wall paper paste. Paul thought that it was tasteless , Mum thought that it was way too salty so she recommended to not put in as much salt in as usual.

I thought that it was really chewy but the it was really quite nice but it is ok if you want a sort of healthy chewy cake.