Up is a story about an old man and a little boy that wants to be a explorer The old man always wanted to go to PARADISE FALLS with his wife who is now dead. He is not the little boy's grandpa.They first meet when the boy want's to help an old person for a badge.But the man doesn't want any help and closes the door, then opens again saying: 'there is a snipe that always comes into my backyard and I am an old man, I can't get rid of it so I need someone to get it away for me'. The boy said: 'I will do it'. The next day the man wakes up and goes outside. There is a building side around his house. One of the trucks hits down the man's mailbox. The man gets into a word-fight with the builder and hits the builder on his head. It was bleeding and the man run's inside. Then he has to go to COURT.

The next day the man has a great idea. He gets loads of balloons and flies away. The next morning when his house was still flying - THEN - a nook on the door. The man goes to open it and it was the little boy; the man said: 'come in'. When they got to PARADISE FALLS. They find a snipe and many dogs with a coller that can talk. They have a great adventure which sometimes might be scary to watch for some people but is great fun all in all. All is good in the end and they even fly back, but not with the house. THE END .