Microsociety Week 5

In Microsociety this week, we talked about democracy and what it means. We have goverments to decide the rules but also we help decide too, because, if we don't agree with them then we have to vote. If it was for a rule, the 'for the rule' and 'not for the rule' would depend on how many votes there are for them, the one with more votes, wins.

Our currency was orginised ready to use to buy and rent things that are handy. Also we thought about our business plans, like what we would sell and how much money it would be. Also we started to write some recipts and it was quite hard work! Then, we started to write a big ledger and that was hard too because we had to set everything up and there were alot of things to fill in and for everyone who came had to take a recipt and we would fill in the ledger.

So next week we will all start trading, but as I am writing on a Monday, we already started and we made a big prophet because we spent about 100 p.z for renting chairs and tables but we earnt abot 350 p.z so we made a profit of about 250p.z. But it isn't as simple as giving things and claiming money, you haave to write a recipt and fill in our ledger as people buy things and we have to rent more and more things as we go along, also we have to make sure nobody is able to steal our items, so we need to be careful.