I will never forget the day when my father died. We had just settled down at the clan meeting which included wolf,boare,sea eagle,seal,oak and raven clan. They were all gathered round the bewilldering fire which caught almost everyones attention almost in the instant of the eye.With all the clan leaders muttering stuff like 'have you heard about the soul eaters ' and the others replying ' oh yes,yes, yes, they're quite a problem they are, they seem to hate every living thing, really quite a big problem.' But then something horrible happend. The sea-eagle clan leader got stabbed . But the weird thing was that no one knew how this happened. People thought that a crazy outcast had threw that silver assasin blade which brought shame to almost anyone that touched the moon silver blade. Other sea-eagle clan members just left to the forest because of the madness that had almost possessed their bodies.

But then it all fell into pieces .As I was thinking aloud I said 'well of course if the viper mage soul-eater, Seshru,had been an outcast." I stopped hesitated for half a second then carried on "that's it, she is the murderer " . I figured out that it must have a future victim because I know that when a murderer starts they won't stop. As soon as I realised that I broke into a full sprint to warn the clans, but unfortunatly they had left to bed. I mean it was 9pm so I could'nt blame them so I murmured "I might as well leave it till tomorow" . As I left to the cabin where my father was sleeping I noticed bloody sheets, but I knew that my father would never do that. That moment the most horrible thought came into my head: "Nnnnoooo!" I screamed. He had fallen prey to Seshru...

When my father died