Thoughts on Autumn

by Ondine Farlam


Leaves turn from green to gold

In the gentle, damp sweet air.

Pale yellow and copper,

The sun's rays stream through leaves

Transformed now to hanging jewels.

The leaves loosen and drop

Twirling like a falling feather.

Resting on the earth,

A thick carpet of gold and scarlet

For us to dance among.

In the school garden

Golden-red apples, perfect pears

Hang in branches, heavy and ripe.

I reach up my hand to twist off the fruit

Dropping plump in my palm.

I wonder if the trees

Are lonely without their lovely leaves.

I hope they know their bare branches,

As they reach to the sky,

Are beautiful too.

Then there are the conkers

In hedgehog-spiky coats,

Like presents waiting to be opened.

I turn their rich brown shapes,

Smooth and calm in my fingers.

In the darkening air,

Wood smoke curls from cob oven.

We are warmed to the core.

Pizza and bread cooks.

We gather round orange light to eat.

As the nights draw in

Pumpkin lanterns light paths

Through the Halloween dark.

I think of crackling log fires I will light

As the season turns once more.