Wooo hooo!!

We made it to the end of term!

It was FANTASTIC to see you all on Thursday and I haven't stopped smiling since!

This is our last week in Year 3 so let's get started!

(some of these are in the Pupil section on the Year 3 section on the website)

  1. Read through your pack from Mrs Bird and talk about Year 4 with mum and dad
  2. Find the banner piece that says - 'All About Me'.  You need to decorate this as much as possible ready for Mrs Bird.  She is going to hang them up in September so make sure you bring it with you on your first day back!
  3. Choose something from your new topic 'I AM WARRIOR'.  Choose one of the questions to do a project on and decide how you are going to work on it over the Summer!
  4. Summer Word Search
  5. Read every day - you should be able to read for at least 30 minutes now all by yourself!
  6. ULTIMATE Times Table Test!
  7. Finish off any work from the last few weeks you haven't got around to doing.
  8. Some pages from your 'Rising Stars Maths Book' please!
  9. Colour a poster for your bedroom!
  10. Write a special message or card to your mum or dad to thank them for helping you with your home learning! Or just write a card for a friend.
  11. Check the BLOGS and write some nice comments for your friends!