Desert Island

Last week there was a lottery whereyou hadto get all numbers right to get a free cruise trip. My mum decided to participate in it. A few days later there was a note in our mailbox that said that we won the lottery. We were so happy!

The next day we left for our cruise. I was so excited to go from place to place on a ship. So we sailed of. During our trip we heard a loud sound. We realised that we were shipwrecked!

We ended on a desert island. The people who were with us were panicking! After a few hours we felt the ground shaking The people were frightened. Then a few seconds later a volcano erupted. I told all the people to swim as fast as they could.

Finally, the volcano stopped erupting. Everyone was safe. Then we saw another cruiseliner coming to pick us up safely.

We all continued to enjoy our trip on thecruise like we did before. And it was all thanks to me.

abigail magro 6.2