Buses or Cars?

I know you have always wanted a car. Although, there are some

better options instead of driving. Some people drive e-cars to stop

increasing pollution but actually, London Public Transport are

actually doing the same. More and more buses are becoming eco-

friendly and electric. Most of the buses are also becoming green to

help the environment. Buses are becoming more and more useful

to people as they don't need to drive. Another main reason is, is

that you get to use London's Public Transport for free if your under

the age of 18. But, if you are above the age of 18 you only pay £1.90 per trip. Most people are choosing Public Transport over cars since the car fuel is way over-priced. It would cost almost £50 for your car fuel to be filled up fully and even more if you have a Jeep or a large truck.

But some people may believe that Public Transport are far too dangerous since buses are such big vehicles that it takes very long to be taught how to drive one. They also cause much more car accidents since they are big. Also, people have been complaining that people on buses are very rude and that they always close the windows instead of opening them since there is the pandemic and bacteria would stay inside the bus. But the main thing people complain about is, is that the buses are very unhygienic and that the seats are covered in mould or even food.

So, would a Public Transport change the world? Well. Others might say so but others may not. Although, some people aren't bothered at all that buses are dirty or that cars raise lots and lots of pollution but the majority of people would agree that Public Transport is better since they have destinations that you would have to pay for (If your in a car) since there is something called congestion charge.