Micro society Blog

First week of Micro Society:

1.I our class we talked about scarcity and how scarcity is the start of economics.



noun *plural scarcities

the quality or state of being scarce ; especially: want of provisions for the support of life

2. We also played a game with shapes and discussed the difference of having what you need right now with you and not having something you need right now.

It was difficult than you think it is .

We were put into groups and we were only to use the things we had in a big envelope!!! You would also get


It was great fun but also very hard.

Next, our teacher Mrs Worsley read us a short story called JUSTENUF and we discussed for a long time

how the captain should divide resources of food to the people who lived there . This was also about Scarcity.

4. Finally,we got out our draft books to design our society's flag .image of a society flag.

That was the end of the first week of Micro......


By Sion Jang