Taysean, Part 1 Story

Reader be aware, you might be in for a scare. In the terrifying haunted house there was a boy, called Marlon and he was one of the best ghost hunters and he was awsome. One halloween night it was time for Marlon biggest fight in the world,was scaremonger the powerful man in the universe.Nobody has defeat him before and no one wiil defeat scaremonger.

Marlon mission was to try to defeat him and so he went on his toughest mission ever and when he went he was never seen again, everybody was freaking out because they he was vanish but he was not vanish because he was in a box so they can not see him through the camera.

The only way , for him to escape was to untied himself it was impossible because he had no wepons that are useful. And we wiil se what happend

To be continued