Hi everyone!

Hope you're all well and staying at home! Hopefully you're keeping yourselves busy. Ive found a few links to some things that might interest you, so check them out over the next few days if you get a chance...

  • Children's author Oliver Jeffers has been reading one of his books every day. Click the link below to find videos of the readings. He's also been talking about how the books all came together, and drawing some of the characters. Which is your favourite Oliver Jeffers book? Mine's Lost and Found.

Here's a link to his website... https://www.oliverjeffers.com/abookaday

And here's a link to one of his videos...

  • Joe Wicks, more commonly known as, 'The Body Coach,' will be running daily PE lessons on his YouTube account at 9am every weekday. Joe is a fitness instructor who became popular with 15-minute recipes and workout videos. It's really important that we exercise every day so let's get fit together! You can also watch the Westbourne Fitness video on the school website and see me move like an awkward, but cheerful, robot.

  • Finally, zoos may be closed at the moment, but we can still watch what their animals are getting up to online. Lots of zoos live stream their animals online which means they have cameras in their animals enclosures. What can you see?

San Diego Zoo... https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/live-cams

Edinburgh Zoo... https://www.edinburghzoo.org.uk/webcams/

Houston Zoo... https://www.houstonzoo.org/explore/webcams/

Smithsonian's National Zoo... https://nationalzoo.si.edu/webcams

You can leave a comment in the comments section using your j2e username. Let everyone else know what you thought of these links and add your own!

Take care and have fun!

Mr Dixon