Young Speaker Challenge

For this year's YPS I will be speaking up about 'schools killing creativity'. Here is some info about my subject.

If you search nearly ANYWHERE on the internet you will find a video of Sir Ken Robinson's speech explaining how school is the complete reason for lack of creativity in 21st century kids. I would definitely recommend listening to it because it certainly inspired me. H e created a TED speech in 2006 saying we don't grow in creativity. Barack Obama disagrees completely saying schools do the complete opposite and nurture creativity. The letter 'A' determines whether you are classified as smart, whether you are going to prosper or disintegrate in lack of money.

A principle from Australia,Paul Browning, has spoken to the Federal government so they can look closer at making schools a more creative place to learn. He says' We are so bothered about standardised testing and results against national benchmarks. He has made some changes to his school already, how can Britain do the same.

You are probably wondering in what way school kills creativity. Well, teachers tell us there is no right or wrong answer but if there wasn't what is the meaning of tests. We forced to compete for the best mark. Sometimes, it doesn't matter how smart you are, if you cant come up with creative original ideas you should be classified as far below average. We are treated almost like robots, sit is a straight line nice and neat put your hand up if you want to speak. we would expect that everything in this world develops. I f you look at pictures of 100 year old and modern day cars you will see a big difference. They'd be much better and much more efficient, same with phones and even toilets! Yet why is it that if you see a photo of a classroom from 100 years ago and a modern day classroom you'll see almost nothing has changed. We are still in the same position. Barely anything has gotten better and some schools have even gotten worse- for example school shootings and becoming more and more common and America and a few people have been caught plotting some shootings in England and Scotland.