Year 5 Half Term Homework

Over the half term, I would like you to research one aspect linked to our topic: Swansea Gets Blitzed. Anything to to do with World War 2. Think about what you are REALLY interested in.

Research this and use J2e to record your notes.

You will be using these notes for your first Oracy project which will take place during the week of 20th November, where you will be speaking in front of a larger audience for up to 2 minutes.

2) Going over your target sheets with HF words, spelling patterns and focused times tables (your parents already have these)

3) Completing at least one BUG Club comprehension- I will check how you have got on with the question types on the Sunday before we come back to school

Stay safe and have a lovely half term with your families!

Mrs R

1) Oracy project research