On Saturday 23rd April, it is

St.George's Day and we will be celebrating in school on Monday with 'A Day for Heroes!'

What do you know about St.George?

In Year 1 we will be thinking about British Values

and the importance of treating others as we would

like to be treated ourselves. What do you think this means? Can you give an example?

Do you know any heroes?

What makes them heroes?

What qualities do they have?

Do you have to be famous to be a hero?

In Year 1 and 2 we did a carousel of activities to celebrate St. George's Day

and 'A Day for Heroes.'

We did a heroes

activity with our

year 4 buddies.

We made England


We designed a


We painted dragons, our heroes and Saint George.

We iced shield biscuits

with the England flag.

We retold the story of

Saint George and the

dragon with our masks

in the outdoor area.

We did a wordsearch

to find the words that

tell us about British values.

We drew dragons

using Revelation Art.

We made saltdough dragons.