Digital Leaders

We Digital Leaders help people if they are being cyber-bullied.As a digital leader you can come to us and we will help if anyone is being cyber-bullied.The digital leaders help people to verify information and we also recognize what is safe on the internet.

Digital footprint

A digital footprint is anything that leaves a trace e.g websites you have visited,messages you have sent,games you have played or purchases or phone calls you have made.It is important to be aware of when personal details could be used and to make sure they are used appropriately and be aware of the users that are storing this information.


Cyber-bullying is when someone repeatedly keeps sending you upsetting messages online e.g text,tablets,messages or photos without the consent of the person that the information or photo is about We can help save the evidence and block them so they can't bother you anymore.The messages should be captured with a screen-shot as evidence, the bully should be blocked and reported to the site provider and then the person receiving the message should tell and adult that he or she trusts.