I will never forget the day i went up the monument, one morning my mum told me we were going into town to walk up the 311 steps of the monument. It sounded fun at first but when we got there it was very tall (I MEAN REALLY REALLY REALLY TALL!!!!!!!!!!!!).A shiver was sent up my spine i was very scared and you cant blame me i was only six. We queued up and it it felt like an eternity standing there, my legs were aching when it was finally our turn to go up.I was very scared more scared then i had ever been in my six years of living.

We started walking up the narrow steps of the cramped space inside it was smaller than i thought it would be,"how many steps are there"i murmured to my sister Olivia "311"she said.

there were small windows in the side walls i could just see through the foggy glass,we continued up the steep steps of the small cramped passage way. It was about 10 minutes before we got to the top, my legs were aching even more and i wanted to sit down somewhere

when i took a look at the view i was scared out of my skin and at the same time i felt overjoyed we were standing on a strong metal wire that was supported by bolts but i thought it was going to fall down my eyes shot out like two missiles being shot out of a bazooka i was trembling like i was naked in the Antarctic we were so high up i begged my mum to say"CAN WE GO DOWN" we went down as soon as we came up ,we took the ten minute journey back down to the ground, down the cramped stairway looking through the fogged up windows the cracked stairs creaked as we walked down. It was worth it through because when we got to the bottom a smart man in work overalls gave us a certificate and we went home.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!