Hi my name is veronica and today ill be talking about me, basically my life so lets get into it. So to start my favourite singer is Ariana Grande you should know who she is if you don't then go search her up she has a brilliant voice her pitch might be high but I like it ... here she is . You might see in the back round or

you might recognise her from nickelodeon as a

character called cat like the animal, the photo

you see is her character with red hair from the

movies in real life she has nice brown hair if you

think she is pretty then leave it in the comments

this was all about Ariana Grande.

Now I will speak about my favourite sport witch is swimming some of you might be shocked because today football is the most popular sport for the boys and girls but some people like Different things but enough talking about that now I will tell you why I like swimming, i like it because its just relaxing when you are floating on water or swimming under water its just fun having time in a swimming pool :)

I know I have note written allot but I have lots of homework and stuff to do but i hope you liked it bye.

By Veronica :)