
by Ondine Farlam, Amethyst

Name: Athena

Parents: Zeus, the king of all the gods, and Metis, a Titan, known for her wisdom and prudence.

Type of deity: One of the 12 great Olympians.

Story of birth: Zeus pursued and won Metis in the disguise of a serpent. Athena was born on Mount Olympus, springing fully grown from Zeus' head dressed in full battle armour. At her birth, a snake appeared and went to her, coiling itself at her feet, in memory of her father's appearance to Metis. An owl, the symbol of wisdom, also appeared and flew to Athena's shoulder.

Goddess of: Wisdom, skill, intuition, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, strategic warfare, strength, the arts, crafts (especially spinning and weaving), aesthetics, Platonic love.

Patron of: Athens, the capital of Greece.

Roman version: Minerva - much tamer and goddess of Wisdom

and the arts.

Sacred animals: The owl, the snake.

Sacred symbol: The olive tree, the Aegis - an animal-skin shield.

Divine siblings (by Zeus): Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes and Hephaestus. Athena also had around 1500 demigod siblings, courtesy of Zeus' complicated love life. These include Perseus, Heracles and Jason.

Enemies: Arachne (spiders), Medusa, most Titans, Giants.

Fun Fact!

The city of Athens is named after Athena. Story continued on page 3...