The Sun


Man Disappear on Eiliean Mor.

by Ella Rose Hopkins .

On the 19th may 2019 Eiliean Mos was found deerted .After a few day, the light whent out but it did help the other ships

It started on 19 th May2019 because the light whent

out and the ships was not happy because they neary crashel .

jo seph mor was meant to go to the island but it was bad wathve so they had to delay the trip

at approximalely 11:00am joseph mor searched the whole lighthouse and he chaxs the cichirg and the was a ovea tond chay a fia eta mluy and a clold noever wonking . When moor amived on the island he found it was desened

police officers searchd the island and the faind andthind coulanot . p.janes expldned ," we couldn,t oneplece of evidencce mot even acoat in the sea"

inconedlusuon ,the police suspeted that it was uprear wave. where as, some people believe it was ghosls or sea monstors. what do you thing?