All WAS Great

​As Jack watched the Sun go down, he saw his local river being taken over by sardines. They splashed as some fish lay stranded covered in seaweed. They smell of the dead fish probably scared away the water as it started to leak. Slowly, the howling wind caused the disease-riden water started to flood!! The whole town was in a state of panic.

They used anything they could get there hands on.

Even my mum used my xbox one and it broke. That

was a waste since the water was waist high. Babies cried, children whimpered, but then there was silence. I turned around, all I saw was my mums body drowning. Was she dead?

​I swam and swam towards my mum's body. Tears crept down my eyes like a waterfall. by now her head was 3 feet underwater. She slowly drifted away as the force of the current pushed me away. The water was freezing. The more I swam, the more drowsy I got. My eyes began shutting itself. Until... I passed out. In a matter of hours, I was awake again: Where was mum?

​But the biggest question was: Where was I? I looked around for land but there was none for miles. I looked at my left hand to see the time since I had a watch. But my hand was gone. My left arm began deteriorating. I froze. I couldn't move as my legs were disappearing too. I began to wobble. Sinking very fast, I began to scream. A flashing light had heard me and came towards me. Who was it?

By Abdurrahman