At the beginning of the year I was quite nervous because of SATs and because this was my last year in primary school but after a few weeks I settled in and was not nervous anymore. Most of the time I tried hard with my work but sometimes I wasn't as focused as a I should of been

but I kept on going. Then I got to the middle of the year when the school trips got more advanced like the trip to the coast and then before I knew it SATs came rolling round but with all the prepararation tests I was confident and I did quite well. However, even after SATs it was still work hard and

don't mess around but after half term it was done and the end of the year. All of a sudden, we were on a coach on the way to Devon for four days of fun activities like surfing, ringo riding, tunnelling

After a great four days of activitie we got back and I had a nice weekend and then now I am typing this up. So I hope you all have a great year year fives and good luck