Rainforest Race

"Ready,set....go!" we had a race to find an abandond garden in this enourmous Rainforest...

Their were lots of people who] attended,I mean who wouldn't?Their was a reward it was about 500k

money...For who finds this garden...Unfortunatly all of the people were just too:selfish,guilty,greedy,

ruthless and too adventures...

First to find this stupid garden there was a giant sticky river in it were tall rocks .I had to step on all of the rocks I mean 100% there was an alligator or a wild fish in the river...I had doubt's if one of the rocks next to

it was an alligator\crocodile...Climbed on trees {nearly got killed by a cobra}I was trying too find hints but

it was just all a waste of time.Swam lakes,jumped on lily pads...

The Rainforest was very big,but at the same time flabbergasting,tiring and I don't know what else...After I got

to run on tall grass,risking my life because I didn't even know what type of stuff was under me and running

on sharp and slippery rocks.I got past a tall bridge when I was runnning on half of it "Ahhh,a broken bridge"

I sobbed.I found it so hard to pass,I jumped on the railing's,sat down on it and started swinging in front...

I became speechless I found the garden and also on the bridge {the broken one} had footprint's on it

iI found the money on a tall big tree I was so happy!I became so rich...hehe:}~KEEP BELIEVING ~