The fall of the Berlin Wallby Imen khenchelaoui

The Berlin Wall was built by the communist government of East Berlin 1961. The wall separated East Berlin and West Berlin. It was built in order to prevent people from fleeing East Berlin. In many ways it was the perfect symbol of the "Iron Curtain" that separated the democratic western countries and the communist countries of Easter Europe throughout the Cold War.

How it All StartedAfter World War II the country of Germany ended up dividing into two separate countries, they divided the Eastern side and the Western side. West Germany was a democratic country and allied with Britain, France, and the United States. The western Side were very artistic and they decided to graffiti on their Walls .They did not do this for fun but did it to show their feelings. On the other hand the western side were not so understanding and decided to have 300 watch towers, 250 dogs running continuously and trenches for trucks.

How it All Started

How it All Finished

In 1987 President Ronald Reagan gave a speech in Berlin where he demanded the leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, to destroy this wall.Around that time the Soviet Union was beginning to collapse. They were losing their hold on East Germany. A few years later on November 9, 1989 the announcement was made. The borders were open and people could freely move between Eastern and Western Germany. Much of the wall was torn down by people chipping away as they celebrated the end to a divided Germany. On October 3, 1990 Germany was officially reunified into a single country.