Have you been looking for a site to gain information? Well you have come to the right place , this blog is about the USA.

FACT 1: Alaska is the biggest percentage of people who walk to work.

FACT 2: percent of Americans believe Neil Armstrong never landed on the moon.

FACT 3: Even though the grizzly bear is Americas state animal, there has not been a sighting of one for almost 100 years (since 1922).

FACT 4: The seven rays on top of the Statue of liberty represents the seven continents. Each measures up to 9 feet in length and weighs more than 150lbs in weight!

FACT 5:Montana has 3 times as many cows as it does people.

FACT 6: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson(two former US presidents)both died on July 4, 1826 - 50 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence

FACT 7:The liberty bell last rung on the birthday of George Washington in 1846.It received a fatal crack a few hours later.

Thank you for reading my blog, but remember this is not FAKE NEWS!