The Old Lamp

Once upon a time, when I was younger, I always dreamt of getting the Old Lamp. In order to get this Lamp, you will have to answer the Sphinx riddle which was written on a golden block. If you answer it correctly, you may pass to get the Lamp but if you fail you will pass to the Land of the Dead. Once you're there, your only chance of leaving is to offer something which is heavier than a feather. Otherwise you will be doomed forever.

One day I woke and wondered what could come out of that lamp. So the following night, I left home to get hold of the precious old Lamp. On the way I got attacked by The Tamson Twins riding their humongous snakes. Luckily the Queen of Egypt came to the rescue and saved me by commanding the snakes to burn themselves. I arrived at the Sphinx exhausted looking for the block to solve the riddle. All of a sudden Hadez appeared. Hadez is known for his evilness and he needs only one powerblock to become the next Golden Eagle, the most powerful of Gods. Hadez will then summon every creature under Egypt.

A tall man appeared from underground and was holding the golden block. I was terrified of Hadez and asked the man if he could help me to answer the riddle. He was known for being the smartest man on Earth. Seeing the threat from Hadez, he decided to help me. We ran to the Sphinx and I saw the old lamp. It was so glittery, shiny, golden and was standing on a silver stand. It was the best thing I had ever seen in my whole life.

I left the tall man to figure out the riddle which I read, "I am in the future, I am in the past, everyone has seen me before but I do not breathe." The tall man said "Charity" and then "Order". I was very shocked that he got them both wrong. Then I shouted at the top of my lungs "Tomorrow". I was right! The tall man told me to hurry up before Hadez gets it. I destroyed the golden block and took the lamp back home. Hadez was sent to the Land of the Dead.

At home I rubbed the lamp and a black genie came out of it. The genie told me that I had brought him back and for that I was granted one wish. I told him that I want to bring back what I couldn't. Everyone who had died because of Hadez started to wake up and Egypt was saved.