James' answers

Micro Organism

Micro organism are

so small that you

can't see them

unless you look

through a microscope

some cause you to get

poorly, but only a few

are good like yeast

which makes bread


Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was

the man who invented

evolution with his best

friend Sir Joseph

Hooker and Darwin

went on a ship called

the H.M.S Beagle on it

he sailed to the

Galapagos islands and

the Cape Verde islands.

He made a book called

the origin of species .

Survival of

the fittest

Survival of the fittest

is where an organism

adapts to its

surroundings like a

penguin has webbed

feet to help it swim

better or the lion

has orange and brown

fur to blend in to

the dirt/grass


Animals adapt to their

surroundings over a

long period of time.

Animals can be

grouped to make it

harder for them to

be caught.

by James yr6


Biodiversity is the

range of organism

that live on planet

earth like plants

and mammals.



Fossils are proof

of evolution

because Darwin

found a sea

creature fossil

on top of a

mountain so

even the

world is evolving.