Chinese Zodiac Story

A long long time ago, there was a jade emperor and he wanted to see if 13 animals could race so he tested it and the animals were ready, once the race started the rat and the cat couldn't swim so they both asked if the ox could carry them and the ox said yes so when they got to the lake, the rat pushed the cat in the lake so the cat hated the rat. As the ox was near the finish line, the rat jumped off of the ox and the rat ran to the finish line,2nd was the ox,3rd was the tiger,4th was the rabbit, after the rabbit it was the dragon but then the jade emperor said ''why did you take so long ?You can fly!'' Then the dragon said that he had to help some animals. Next, was the snake and the horse but the snake threatened the horse so the snake was 6th and the horse was 7th. The goat, monkey and the rooster worked together to get to the finish line. Goat was 8th, monkey was 9th and the rooster was 10th,11th place was the dog and last was the pig. Unfortunately, the cat made it out of the lake but the race was over so the cat didn't have a year.