When our house caught fire...

It was 2021 which was 1 year ago. I woke up and asked my mum to make me breakfast and she went right on to it. She made me some pancakes which I taught I would eat in each and not panic.

My mum was almost done with the pancakes but then my brother Kyle asked my Mum to help him with his Maltese Homework. My mum forgot to turn the stove off and went upstairs to help him.

A couple of minutes past and I was playing a video game when suddenly I heard my dog barking. There were big flames and every minute the flames were growing higher!

I got a bag ,a leash on my dog and opened the front door! I screamed, 'Mum! Dad! Kyle! Please come downstairs!' Everybody came downstairs. I smelt burnt plastic and saw so many things turn into ashes. I put all our clothes, needs and valuables and all of us went outside to the nearest place with lots of trees so we can breathe good air.

My dad called the firefighters and soon enough we heard sirens in front of our home. The house was soon ashes but the good thing was we have a car, money, food, drinks, clothes and more valuables. We got a new house and never did this again!