Supply and Demand

Supply.What does it mean?It means what you sell in your shop.In our socity Halle's shop was selling glow sticks.But supply means that you have more of the prouduct you are selling.So what does demand mean?It's your custormers.Halle's shop had more custmers than they have of glowsticks.

Continuing the story of not enough,the Zogg family were tired of being the family of pity.So one day they had a meeting to see what they could do.So they came up with the idea that they should make rope. The next day they started selling rope.But no one wanted it.So the next day they put up dicount signs and poeple found more use for rope.So they bought as much of the rope as the Zoggs the wrer willing to sell.But when they did the fax plant matirial was increasing and the poeple found the matirial that the Zoggs used...

The story of not enough