

Awesome Art!

In art this term we are making Bird houses

Awesome Art !

Last term, in art we made headdresses that people wear in Brazilian carnivals.We designed them to look like animals from the Amazon rain forest.Firstly, we got the paper and measured our head width by wrapping the paper around are head for the base.Next ,we ,we decorated them with feathers, and anything

rain forest like.We drew

them in our art books

and designed what it

would look like and what

colours we would use. It was fun but it was tricky at some parts. It was an amazing art project we all loved it.

Awesome Art !

Last term in art we made headdresses, we designed them to look like animals from the Rain-forest.Firstly we designed them in our art books,to see what they were going to be like.Then we decided what animals we should use to put on are headdresses.After that we measured the circumference of our heads and wrapped a piece of paper around are heads and decorated it.