
Year 6


Intro Topics

The step up to Year 6 is a large leap An exciting aspect of Year 6 is the step up

and is difficult to overcome, however in work and the enjoyable upcoming topics.

there are yet so many exciting things These include things like Tomorrow's World

to get you hyped about the year here and World War 2.

are some of the things.

Residential trip

First of all how could we not talk about the

amazing residential trip that will take place

at the end of the academic year. I am of course talking about the Isle of White. Such a significant part within Year 6.

Head boy/girl

You will also have the chance of becoming

one of our school's Head Boys or Girls. It is a

real honour and you always have a good

chance of getting it as long as you make

the right choices in Year 6.

Finally you will be given the verdict on the next 7 years of your life: the high school you will go to. Many more exciting events take place that we haven't included such as things like the Year 6 production but there are too many to name. So good luck in Year 6 and we hope you do well.

See you later,
