What is E-safety?

E-safety is when you have to stay safe online. For example, never click any links that say that you won something because first it might be a virus, and second it might be a scammer. Maybe,

you will get a text message from someone who you don't know. NEVER answer it. Show it to an adult, and after delete that message.

How to be safe?

To be safe follow your SMART rules.

S: Keep safe. Don't give out too much personal information.

M: Only meet someone who you know. Don't meet people who you never knew.

A: DON'T accept any emails from people who you have never seen before.

R: Information online is not always reliable- check on other sites.

T: if something happens that worries you or make you feel uncomfortable, tell an adult or someone you trust.

DON'T open any kind off links because they might be dangerous and might include a virus.

Remember stay safe online!!

Why is E-safety important?E-safety is important because you need to stay safe online in school at home and there's a lot more places where you should stay safe online.

Strong password.

If you have Facebook Instagram or other social media remember to have a strong password so that no one can break into your account. Even if you have games that need a password just have it strong!