EYFS summary of week beginning 19/10/20

Dear Parents & Carers,

As you are currently not allowed in the building due to COVID restrictions, I thought it would be a nice idea to share with you some photos of the children's learning on this EYFS blog. I have checked the files from your interview with Mrs Plesniak as well as any recently returned letters regarding photo permissions to see which parents requested that their child's photos did not appear on the school website and have edited the photos accordingly.

I hope you enjoy this week's summary photos of the children.

Kind regards,

Mr Morris, Katie & the EYFS team

In Guided Reading this week, some of the children looked at their new books and used their phonics sounds to build words and then build sentences.

In phonics this week the children were looking at the phoneme 'D/d'. the children enjoyed exploring the classroom for objects that had the 'D/d' phoneme in it. One of the children found a dinosaur in the microwave in the home corner!

In Maths this week the children have been counting out objects and matching them to the correct digits. They have also been practising number formation in sand.

The children have been working on choosing an activity during independent learning time and using turn taking and sharing skills.

Some of the children enjoyed using the small wooden blocks this week to construct different types of buildings.

It has been a real pleasure getting to know all the children this half term. they have worked so hard at settling in, getting used to the new classroom routines and learning is well and truly up and running.

Have a lovely half term holiday. The break will do us all the world of good and I know the children will come back energised and ready for their learning journey to continue.

Kind regards,

Mr Morris, Katie & The EYFS Team.