Misery Street

My favourite big write .

Dear owner,

I am writing this letter to tell you to stop.Why be so hard on us bears, when we haven't done anything to you.Also we want to go home.

When I go to sleep at night I still feel that wet, warm blood dripping down my nostril.That searing hot pain makes me cramp inside because of the way i get treated.

You owners treat us like we are nothing by not giving us the right amount of food.Do you not understand how it feels to be a bear who starves .

We were so happy until that dreadful day arrived.When the guns went BANG!I still wonder if my family are alive just having the thoughts of them.

Please change.I don't want anyone to see this violence of suffering bears.This should be a dance that everyone should forget.i need you to stop th cruelty.

yours in pain bear Jamelia :(