Year 4's Gordon Brown Residential trip.

This trip was amazing because this trip taught me that instead of staying inside on an electronic, I can go out and explore the envioument for real and if it weren't for this trip I will still be inside not wanting to go out.

I'm in class sapphire and after we left our bags in our rooms, we were given a tour around the Gordon Brown Centre so when it was free time we wouldn't get lost if we were far away. Then in the afternoon, we had our first activity which was orienterring. Orienterring was really fun because we had to go in groups and find signs to finish the list we were given. This activity was more than just finding things, it was all about team work and that we had to stick together as a group and not wonder off.

On the other hand, the other class (blue class) where doing shelter building which was so much fun! When blue class did it on Wednesday, sapphire class did it the Friday we left.

But the fun hasn't stopped yet!!! I forgot the day, but both classes got to make popcorn and all of them tasted homemade and not the one you buy from the shops!!

But sadly, on Friday afternoon, everyone had to pack their bags and get on the coach to go back to school. We were all really sad but we were all happy at the same time because we got to see our parents again after 2 days.