This is the symbol that a lot

of brands and songs have in the

corner of them so that nobody can

take the music and say that it's their


Copyright does not last forever and will expire after a certain period of time.

It is illegal to share copyrighted material on the internet without the copyright owner’s permission.

If you create a piece of work for your employer, the copyright usually belongs to them.

It was first needed in 1988

Software is covered by copyright. It prevents:

-Copies being made and given to friends and family for free, or being sold for profit.

-Using software on a network, where multiple users can access it (unless the license permits it)

lending the software to friends or family.

There are exceptions. Some copyright owners allow their work to be copied and distributed for educational use or for non-profitable use. The copyright owner will make this clear.

You can listen to royalty free music,

download Spotify or

buy your songs from


Images on this page may be subjected to copyright

If you copyright something, it lasts for as long as you live and 70 years after you die