Homework for Year 6 Week beginning 2.5.16

Hand in on 6.5.16

Ensure you know how to spell all of the

spellings in KS2.

Maths Homework

1. Sumdog is a good way for children to practice their arithmetic skills which will help them in their SAT's maths papers. Each week children need to use Sumdog.

2. Continue to complete pages in your CGP book as directed by your teacher.

3. My Maths is a way for children to practice concepts and methods taught in maths lessons. Your teacher will direct you to which page on the website to look at.

This week revise angles (acute, obtuse and right), angles in a triangle (isosceles, equilateral,scalene), how to draw angles. There are booster packs which you can do to help you practice.

Maths and English study books

Your Maths and English Study books need to be brought back to school everyday. Every week review and learn the concepts in Maths and English lessons.

SAT's past papers

Continue to practice SAT's past papers. Try and time yourselves and improve your answers.

Reading Homework

1. Read every night.

Read pages of a book you have been given at school as well as books you get from the library or have at home. Try to read a variety of fiction and non fiction texts. Remember recipes, magazines and newspapers are important to read also.

2. Write a summary of a text you have read at home that night and hand it in the following day. A copy of this is on the link above.

Spelling Homework

1. Friday learn the spellings from your spelling booklet. To be tested the following Friday.

2.You must know how to spell all the spelling lists above 'Year 3, 4, 5 and 6'. Ask someone to test you on some a week, to check you know them all. Learn the ones you get wrong.

Handwriting Homework

Copy the following Discussion text in your neatest handwriting in your handwriting homework book. A copy of this is on the link above called 'Is Playtime Necessary?'.

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Click here for a copy of the reading homework