Tuesday 9th March 2021

Good morning Butterflies.

Here is today’s suggested timetable for anybody who is learning from home today. Have a lovely day!


Get an adult to help you with your personal calendar.

  • What day it is? Is it a school day or a weekend?
  • What date is it? Yesterday was the 8th so today with be…?
  • What month is it?

Physical Education/ Movement

It is always good to start the day with movement.

Every day this week we will do Oti’s Boogie Beebies – Fruit and Vegetables.

BBC iPlayer - Otis Boogie Beebies - Series 1: 15. Fruit and Vegetables


This week we are focussing on the ck sound.

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Then practice writing the letters ck
  3. There are many different activities, it is also good to practice some again and again. You don’t need to do all of them every day. Choose between:

  • Reading and matching words to pictures
  • Drawing words with the ck sound in them
  • Forming words by sticking the different sounds together
  • Practice writing ck words on your mini whiteboard

The ck sound | Phase 2 Phonics | ck words - BBC Bitesize


We will be using The Oak Academy’s Literacy unit – “The Noisy House”. There are 10 lessons in this unit of work.

Lesson 2 – To draw a story map.

Watch the video and follow the instructions.



White Rose Maths

This week’s topic is “Growing 6, 7, 8 – week 3”

Tuesday’s lesson – Comparing length – longer and shorter

Watch the video below


Complete the worksheets in your pack

Understanding the world

This afternoon’s lesson is “Understanding The World” and is linked to the topic “Mini Chefs”.

Can you find these items of cutlery in your kitchen and discuss what you might use it to eat?

  1. If you were to eat cereal, which one would you use?
  2. What might you use to spread something on bread?
  3. You eat pasta, which one would you use?

Some additional ideas:

  • Try using different items for different foods and see which works best.
  • Trying linking this activity to Maths and count how many knives, forks and spoons you have.
  • You could help mum or dad set the table for dinner or lunch.

Goodbye songs
