Why did you click this? I thought I told you not to read it! Well, I doubt that you're the first, most people are curious and wish to know why they were told not read it in the first place. In this blog, I'm going to explain a little bit more about curiosity and why it happens.

Firstly, what is curiosity? To me, curiosity seems like a fundamental part of what makes humans function. Try and imagine a world without curiosity, it would be incredibly boring, wouldn't it, because most humans are curious, and constantly looking to know more.

Curiosity is the state of being inquisitive, wondering, ready to poke around to figure something out, or expressing the desire to know more. Human curiosity can be a very peculiar thing. For instance, if you saw a book titled 'Don't read this' you would probably be more inclined to pick it up.

Part of the blame goes to reverse psychology, which is also an odd thing. Saying 'Don't read this' will make people want to click, an example or reverse psychology. This is the way you can use to motivate someone to do something by telling him/her to do the exact opposite of it. For example telling your friend something along the lines of this ''“Don't arrive before 6” might motivate him/her to do the opposite just to prove you wrong.

So, now that you've read this, I hope you've learned something that you didn't know about curiosity, and just watch out for reverse psychology in case someone uses it on you. See you in the next blog and have a nice day! :)