20th January 2016

Year 5 trip to The National Portrait Gallery

The reason we went to The National Portrait Gallery is because we need practice for our art skills.On the way to the National Gallery,we took the 254 bus and stopped at Bethnal Green.In the underground we took the central line to Tottenham Court Road and then we arrived at the National Portrait Gallery.

At TNPG,we first sketched sculptures and then some portraits.After we finished sketching,I was really hungry but luckily we went to go eat lunch.

We ate on the steps of Trafalgar Square.I ate a ham sandwich and pringles and after eating,we went back inside The National Portrait Gallery to have our workshop.

When we were in a room,we met someone called Chloe and Chloe was an artist.The workshop was about portraits and the frames of the portraits were clues of what the person does.

After the workshop finished,we went back to school and when we got back,we were late!