A long time ago . I was challenged by king polydectes to get the head medusa . I said yes and firstly I went to see the three gray sisters . When I was there I was scared because king polydectes would marry my mum if I didn't . I felt brave but then desusted. when I saw them they had long pontiy nose's and all three of them share one eye and I could hear them cralling and paising the eye to each other and look ski as bones and heard fire from the cogrenand and bats flying they told me where Medusa cave is

secndly I met Hermes who is strong , tall , fearless and athletic. Hermes broght gifts for the gods .Hermes broght a threning sharp sword and reflected shiled and thick bag to put medusa head if I get it and an invivdld cap and sandeds that make you fly.


