Polygon Academy Sports Day

This is a story about two best friends, John and Frank. They were super shapes, John is a star and Frank a circle.

It's sports day at Polygon Academy, the two friends are both athletic and competitive. It's the final race of the day, and the friends are due to compete against each other. John and Frank are in different house teams, both eager to win. Will Frank and John still remain friends? Who will win the sports day cup? Who will win the race?

Both feel nervous, seeing everyone watching, hearing all the crowd supporting and cheering. Just four hundred meters to run, and its all over for another year. They both get off to a great start, but at the three hundred meter mark Frank takes a tumble and hurts his knee, "OUCH! my knee!" shouted Frank. John see's his friend fall, should he help him, or win the race? John comes to the rescue "I will help you cross the finish line" he said. They both crossed the finish line together in last place. They hugged each other, and the crowd was cheering.

As it turned out Frank and John's house team both had the same amount of points, so they were both on the winning teams.