Blog 6

Hi readers! Today we're going to talk about all sorts of things happening in school during this busy and bustling term.

First of all,let's talk about this year's production. Every year,the school hosts an end of year production made by the Yr 6's and Yr 6 teachers.This year the production is Mary Poppins.

So far it has been an intense week for Yr 6 to get everything right including the dances,singing and of course acting.But the end of year product is always amazing and always will be!

Well Done so far Yr 6! Remember,if you want to find out about actors and actresses there is an display outside the school hall to find out whose who.

Secondly, Sports Day has been rearranged in July,and hopefully the weather will be fine!

Talking about sports,at the time of writing this, some Deansbrook students have gone to Copthall to compete with other schools. GO DEANSBROOK!

With our neighboring school,Deansbrook Infants School,the Infants have been popping around to see how it will be like when they transfer to the Juniors.Hope they like our school! Also,any Yr 6's that are reading this blog, you will also have people from your secondary school to visit you during school times to help you feel comfortable while transferring.Good luck!

This summer,some fellow Yr 6's have kindly volunteered to open the shed outside to help your playtime be better. They give out tennis,scoops,hoops,skipping ropes and space hoppers out.

A kind notice from them to you is that if you are playing tennis please don't lose the balls.

Thank you very much.

Well that's all for now. Bye!